Frankly, November began well, I was excited, but in the end, I lost my inspiration. Tons of new releases again. At some point, I felt lost in this pile, mismatching, and forgetting bands' names or albums... Finally, I selected 20 albums that I listened to or enjoyed the most. I perfectly understand that some of them are doomed to eternal oblivion, and possibly will never be played again...There were good albums, hands down. However, in the end, it was always something missing for me there...

My list below includes 20 albums, and I added 11 honorable mentions. 31 albums, not bad. Check them all if you care. Thank you for trusting my choices!

Release Date: 27 November

I had the chance to spend some two months with this split before it was released officially on vinyl at the end of November. The four bands deliver high-class death metal. The split is really short but it always leaves me hungry for more. 
ETERNAL CHAMPION - The Ravening Iron
Release Date: 20 November

Highly anticipated, The Ravening Iron is another great album for the modern traditional heavy metal. I guess it is the album of the month for me. 
Release Date: 20 November

With every next album, Dark Tranquillity get better and better. I felt the same when Atoma was released. Now, I find "Moment" their best too. I know that everybody thinks "Gallery" is untouchable, but band's last two albums are the true gems.

SÓLSTAFIR - Endless Twilight of Codependent Love
Release Date: 6 November

Another highly anticipated album. Sólstafir deliver what they do best - desperate cold rock. In my opinion, this new album is not as good as Berdreyminn, but it reflects the overall change of direction the band took some years ago, sailing into the sad post/rock waters.

KILLER BE KILLED - Reluctant Hero
Release Date: 20 November

I could easily label Reluctant Hero as (one of) the best modern metal albums of 2020. 
ANACHITIS - The Sorcerer's Sorrow
Release Date: 20 November

Top tier black metal album by James Sloan. Probably in the top 3 BM albums of 2020.

MEGATON SWORD - Blood Hails Steel, Steel Hails Fire
Release Date: 13 November

I liked this album more than the debut EP. Epic, powerful. Not the "standing still" epic doom. 
CONTRARIAN - Only Time Will Tell
Release Date: 20 November

A great technical futuristic DM album, with haunting leads. Only Time Will Tell has a very unique atmosphere. 
OF FEATHER AND BONE - Sulphuric Disintegration
Release date: 13 November

Big release from OFAB. Devastating and ultra-heavy death metal again. 
EXARSIS - Sentenced To Life
Release Date: 27 November

Wild shit rampage! Despite the so high vocals, I liked a lot the new album by the Greek thrashers.
PULCHRA MORTE - Ex Rosa Ceremonia
Release Date: 6 November

Straight into MY death-doom alley. An album that brings up the best of early 90s classics in the genre.
DÉCEMBRE NOIR - The Renaissance of Hope
Release Date: 13 November

I must say, it is the best Décembre Noir album to date. 
Release Date: 20 November

Black metal with epicness. It's been a grower. It reminds me of the earliest Satyricon albums? Isaac Faulk is there with the strongest presence...

SEVEROTH - Vsesvit
Release Date: 20 November

The fifth album by Illia Rafalsky delivers the unique winter atmosphere. High-quality Ukrainian black metal!

SODOM - Genesis XIX
Release Date: 27 November

This album is here just because I'll be playing it some more in the future. The reality is that Genesis XIX is mediocre left alone, and it is NOT what I expected. Still, it is their best for the last two decades probably and definitely will be spun a lot in the future. I have a soft spot for this band since 1989...

DEHUMAN REIGN - Descending Upon The Oblivious
Release Date: 13 November

Very solid death metal release. Tight, uncompromising. From Germany with love.
SKELETHAL - Unveiling the Threshold
Release Date: 20 November

The frenchmen released one of the best death metal albums of 2020. I have this comparison in mind - it is so muchordered than Undeath album for example. 
BLOODSOAKED NECROVOID - Expelled Into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable
Released Date: 6 November

Suffocating, dark, heavy AF. Costa Rica delivers!

REVOLTING - The Shadow at the World's End
Release Date: 27 November

The most enjoyable Rogga project nowadays. Having two dozens of active bands is not good for the quality. Here the songs are having the same old formula he is using, but with punching tempo and some great lead works. Good OSDM from Sweden.

Release Date: 27 November

This is a re-recorded 2020 version of band's 2007. Incl. UADA peers, this album can be described as the icy best from early Cradle of Filth (1996/7) and Dimmu Borgir (1997) meets Uada. Fantastic!

And now 11 Honorable mentions: Toxaemia, Ilsa, Slaughterday, Puteraeon, Harlott, Warfect, Æolian, Deluge, Soulburn, Pyramaze, Macabre. Oh yes, Macabre! 😁 Btw, I still need to digest the new Loudblast and Scour.


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