It is again that time of the year when we reflect back and prepare the AOTY lists. As usual, I have a Black Metal Top List, Death Metal Top List, and AOTY List of course. And here we go! Here's MY TOP 50 BLACK METAL ALBUMS OF 2024 list - the black metal albums I liked the most, made the best impression, and spent the most time with.

Probably this list is too unkvlt, to pretentious, too colorful or contains equally some mainstream hipster albums along with some UG ones. So what?! Did I like the albums? Yes. Are they good? Yes. 

In fact, there are 51 names there, starting from 0 because, above all the 2024 releases, there is a release that was recorded live in 2015 and represents a 1999 album. Technically it’s not a new album. However Marduk's Beast of Prey is the most intense and tight thing you can hear in 2024, not only in the black metal sphere. After that comes the whole list with 50 new releases, so in total 51 albums are present there. I can fairly say that Paysage d’Hiver is my No.1, closely followed by Groza, Horna, etc. Some bigger names didn't make the cut. Others were too close. Probably I'll rediscover an album after publishing this. The bigger question is as always - what will stay for the future?

I don't intend to spend too much time describing the scene, hailing this or that, but definitely, it wasn't a mediocre year for the black metal. I didn't feel there was something extraordinary to move me and make me feel it like in the good old TRVE KVLT times, when everything and everyone was for real. On top there have been too many new albums out there, dissolving the kvlt into invisible fumes. Add to this the mixture of styles happening everywhere, so the good trve black metal albums are not many. 

Here are MY TOP 50 BLACK METAL ALBUMS OF 2024 in order! Enjoy!

0. MARDUK - Beast of Prey (Tidal)
1. PAYSAGE D'HIVER - Die Berge (Bandcamp)
2. GROZA - Nadir (Bandcamp)
3. HORNA - Nyx (Hymnejä yölle) (Tidal)
4. VEMOD - The Deepening (Bandcamp)
5. WINTERFYLLETH - The Imperious Horizon (Bandcamp)
6. WHOREDOM RIFE - Den Vrede Makt (Bandcamp)
7. INCONCESSUS LUX LUCIS - Temples Colliding in Fire (Bandcamp)
8. NIMBIFER - Der b​ö​se Geist (Bandcamp)
9. DJEVEL - Natt til ende (Bandcamp)
10. CONCILIUM - Evangelium (Bandcamp)
11. WARLUST - Sol Invictus In Umbrae Satanae (Bandcamp)
12. AARA - Eiger (Bandcamp)
13. SCHAMMASCH - The Maldoror Chants: Old Ocean (Bandcamp)
14. SOLBRUD - IIII (Bandcamp)
15. AGRYPNIE - Erg (Bandcamp)
16. NAXEN - Descending Into A Deeper Darkness (Bandcamp)
17. DEUS MORTEM - Thanatos (Bandcamp)
18. DÖDSRIT - Nocturnal Will (Bandcamp)
19. YOTH IRIA - Blazing Inferno (Bandcamp)
20. VORGA - Beyond the Palest Star (Bandcamp)
21. HJEMSØKT - Om Vinteren, På En Sort Trone (Bandcamp)
22. HAUNTOLOGIST - Hollow (Bandcamp)
23. SATANIC WARMASTER - Exultation of Cruelty (Youtube)
24. KHORS - Letters To The Future Self (Bandcamp)
25. ODIUM HUMANI GENERIS - Mi​ę​dzyczas (Bandcamp)
26. LURING - Malevolent Lycanthropic Heresy (Bandcamp)
27. VERWOED - The Mother (Bandcamp)
28. VIMUR - The Timeless Everpresent (Bandcamp)
29. GJENDØD - Livskramper (Bandcamp)
30. WRATHPRAYER - Enkoimeterion (Bandcamp)
31. RHÛN - Conveyance in Death (Bandcamp)
32. KVADRAT - The Horrible Dissonance of Oblivion (Bandcamp)
33. ARBOR - Eventide Primitivism (Youtube)
34. ANOMALIE - Riverchild (Bandcamp)
35. AUSTERE - Beneath the Threshold (Bandcamp)
36. SEVEROTH - By the Way of Light (Bandcamp)
37. ARKONA - Stella Pandora (Bandcamp)
38. KRVL - Donkere Paden (Bandcamp)
39. BLAZE OF PERDITION - Upharsin (Bandcamp)
40. FERAL LIGHT - A Reckoning With The Intangible (Bandcamp)
41. DEATHLESS VOID - The Voluptuous Fire Of Sin (Bandcamp)
42. TIME LURKER - Emprise (Bandcamp)
43. PANZERFAUST - The Suns of Perdition - Chapter IV: To Shadow Zion (Bandcamp)
44. HAIL SPIRIT NOIR - Fossil Gardens (Bandcamp)
45. NACHTMYSTIUM - Blight Privilege (Bandcamp)
46. DØDSFERD - Wrath (Bandcamp)
47. OLHAVA - Sacrifice (Bandcamp)
48. DREAMLESS VEIL - Every Limb of the Flood (Bandcamp)
49. LUNAR SPELLS - Sacraments of Necromantical Empires (Bandcamp)
50. FIRTAN - Ethos (Bandcamp)


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