

February 2025 was a solid month. I listened to many new albums and the selection below only proves there were good ones. A 30-album selection is not happening very often most recently, especially in times of constant flood of new records (of mediocrity).  I tried to make a split in the selection, and there is a kind of top 20 and then another 10 very special mentions. Anyway, it could all be taken as one whole pile of stuff to be checked for those who haven't yet. All these are good and enjoyable albums that differ from the pedestrian release schedule that happens every Friday or every day of the week.  And I keep buying a lot of records, new albums or klassiks, my collection grows and grows. There is one clear album of the month for me. HANGMAN'S CHAIR's Saddiction took all the bells and whistles in February 2025. Soooo good, so melancholic, and so drowning into sadness. Then follows the rest, and the list here is somehow in a particular order this time. As I mentioned abo...


I still listen to the 2024 overlooked records and here it is - another month went by, so a new monthly list is on the way. It was a very weak January 2025, and there are very few albums that I can recommend. They won't have the power to stay long. I don't have much to say about the quality, yet the quantity was again dominant. The below 17 albums are the most solid thing I can come up with when we discuss new releases in January 2025. I liked them, I played them and they are my solid choices.  Album of the month? The Night Flight Orchestra took it over Faithxtractor at the very last moment simply because it will stay longer with me in the foreseeable future. I have loved TNFO for ages now and the nostalgia they bring. On the other hand, Faithxtractor delivered blistering death metal again! All the rest that follow are worth mentioning in the order of the appearance below. And of course, depending on the mood, they all serve different purposes in different circumstances. I recom...


Here's the final list for 2024. Looking it from the high level, it is shit, isn't it? It is a strange compilation of my top death metal albums, my top black metal albums plus some others that I liked a lot in 2024. Actually, I don't like it as a whole. This year it was all about quantity, not about quality. What will be the standing power of these albums? Are we going to forget about them in a week when the new release schedule cycle begins again? What are we going to cherish from the fast food called modern music? No memory, no purpose, just moving forward. Yes, in between these 50 (I could easily make it 100 list), few that will stand the test of time. They made a solid impression and made a good year out of 2024. A good year, not an outstanding one.  I ranted about it during the whole year, and I'll continue to do so.  Before I go to the AOTY list, here are two links that might be of useful: MY TOP 50 BLACK METAL ALBUMS OF 2024 and MY TOP 50 DEATH METAL ALBUMS OF 202...


I already published  MY TOP 50 BLACK METAL ALBUMS OF 2024 , so here comes the DEATH METAL of 2024! Death Metal did OK in 2024, with some really impressive releases! Now I take the opportunity to present what I listened to the most, what made me the best impression, and what I spent most time with during this already gone worthless year.  After careful consideration, ULCERATE's cutting throats album took the highest spot. The severe competition came from Absolute Elsewhere which is super close behind. I'll keep on listening to these two in the future. And not only that. The whole list consists of very good albums that have the potential to stay a bit longer than usual. Let's see. If you follow closely this blog, you may notice that many of the albums were part of my monthly lists and are already popular for the scene in 2024. However, I can assure you that some popular names are not present on the list though. You won't find Undeath here for example. I just could not squ...


  It is again that time of the year when we reflect back and prepare the AOTY lists. As usual, I have a Black Metal Top List, Death Metal Top List, and AOTY List of course. And here we go! Here's MY TOP 50 BLACK METAL ALBUMS OF 2024 list - the black metal albums I liked the most, made the best impression, and spent the most time with. Probably this list is too unkvlt, to pretentious, too colorful or contains equally some mainstream hipster albums along with some UG ones. So what?! Did I like the albums? Yes. Are they good? Yes.  In fact, there are 51 names there, starting from 0 because, above all the 2024 releases, there is a release that was recorded live in 2015 and represents a 1999 album. Technically it’s not a new album. However Marduk's Beast of Prey is the most intense and tight thing you can hear in 2024, not only in the black metal sphere. After that comes the whole list with 50 new releases, so in total 51 albums are present there. I can fairly say that Paysage d’Hi...


November brought a lot of new albums and some quality. This is how I can describe it; the present list proves it. It is a long list. I decided to include (almost) everything I liked. A list of 20 and then another 16 that made me a good impression. I wanted to leave the 16 as a reminder to revisit because there is something in them. Slow burners? Nah, they are better in comparison to many in the huge pile. There are more records in my notebook that didn't make the cut, but it is a far too long list anyway. - Ulver delivered in the very end of the month and won over Paysage d'Hiver the album of the month prize! My love for synth Ulver is enormous and it is another magnificent album that transcends me into spaces and times.  - Paysage's new album is fantastic as well, much in the veins of Im Wald. This is the main reason I liked it so much.  - Nekus really completes the top 3 with their cavernous death doom and I can say that it is what the new Spectral Voice should have been....


I decided to make the present list in response to a list with the 50 finest Norwegian albums across time, prepared by a famous metalhead on Threads. The condition: one album per band, in alphabetical order! These are my choices of the finest heresy that I love and I often return to listen.   I started, and I listed down 80+ records. Then, instead of trimming everything down to 50 (because I am lazy about this), I made this list featuring 99 bands and albums. I am throwing everything here just for the history... Your list might be different, and that's absolutely fine.  1 1349 - Massive Cauldron of Chaos 2 Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon 3 Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symponia 4 Aura Noir - Black Thrash Attack 5 Avmakt - Satanic inversion of… 6 Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis 7 Borknagar - Borknagar 8 Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss 9 Cadaver - …In Pains 10 Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather 11 Celestial Bloodshed - Cursed, Scarred and Forever P...


Before really sitting and preparing the list with my favorite October'24 releases, I thought it would take a lot of work to select among the hundreds of new albums released this month. However, it turned into an easy task in the end. I selected quickly from my notes what made me the best impression, what brought me some emotion, and what I felt was good. Therefore I ended with a top 21 list, in kind of an order, while I expected a long post with tiers of albums divided by their quality and style... Anyway, here's my list with some thoughts on my top albums released in October 2024. For sure I'll take a few to my AOTY list in December! There was one album that stood above all this month. Absolute Elsewhere is the absolute Album of the Month and a very obvious candidate for AOTY 2024. The album was released on the 3 October and quickly gained popularity. The expectations were high and rightfully so. BLOOD INCANTATION's unique blend of death metal mixed with cinematic-so...


Here comes the flood again. Drowning. Erasing everything on its way. Ladies and gentlemen, the release schedule is at its finest. September 2024 was crazy, literally in every aspect - personal and musical. This time I decided to make this list a little bit different. Because, why not? September was all about black metal. So many black metal releases were out in the past month. Some of them quickly won my heart. That's why I split this list into two parts - The Black Metal of 2024 and The Other of September 2024. It is not that one is superior to the other, but it is more excessive. I know it is exhausting and it looks quite unprofessional not to manage everything in one whole list, but then I was going to land with a very very long list this time.  By the way, did I mention, that I listened to many of klassiks again, being tired of the flood?  I am going to start with my biggest disappointment - the new Unto Others album. It is nowhere as good as their previous works. Soulless...


Overall, August was a weak month, and I am so at peace with that. The release schedule was in the normal levels in terms of quantity. The quality was low, with a handful of decent albums. However, I don't expect even some of the best August releases which I listed below, to stay in time or turn into klassiks.  I gathered 15 pieces to include in the final monthly list, in no particular order. For me, these were the finest August releases. Once again I don't have a clear favourite album of the month. It all depends on the mood, I guess. I must share that the new music doesn't matter much to me nowadays. I am not very excited about it. It just makes me return to the klassiks more and more, finding peace and soothing my soul there. Probably because it was another busy month, I was swamped again, and the music from my past gave me emotions and strength. Yes, it does. OK, another month is gone, and another list with monthly releases is done. ✅  Let's move on. NILE - The Under...