I decided to make the present list in response to a list with the 50 finest Norwegian albums across time, prepared by a famous metalhead on Threads. The condition: one album per band, in alphabetical order! These are my choices of the finest heresy that I love and I often return to listen.  

I started, and I listed down 80+ records. Then, instead of trimming everything down to 50 (because I am lazy about this), I made this list featuring 99 bands and albums. I am throwing everything here just for the history... Your list might be different, and that's absolutely fine. 

1 1349 - Massive Cauldron of Chaos
2 Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon
3 Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symponia
4 Aura Noir - Black Thrash Attack
5 Avmakt - Satanic inversion of…
6 Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis
7 Borknagar - Borknagar
8 Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss
9 Cadaver - …In Pains
10 Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather
11 Celestial Bloodshed - Cursed, Scarred and Forever Possessed
12 Condor - Unstoppable power
13 Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
14 Deathhammer - Onward to the pits
15 Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid
16 Diskord - Dystopics
17 Djevekult - Når avgrunnen åpnes
18 Djevel - Tanker som rir natten
19 Dodheimsgard - Kronet til Konge
20 Dold Vorde Ens Navn - Mørkere
21 Einherjer - Blot
22 Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
23 Enslaved  - Vikingligr Veldi
24 Fimbulwinter - Servants of Sorcery
25 Fluerity - Min tid skal komme
26 Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind
27 Funeral - Tragdies
28 Gehenna - Firsta spell
29 Ghaals WYRD - Gastir
30 Gjendott - Livskramper
31 God Seed - I begin
32 Godsend - In the Electric mist
33 Gorgoroth - Pentagram
34 Hades - Again Shall Be
35 Hellheim - Jormungand
36 I - Between two worlds
37 Ihsahn - After
38 Ihsengard - Hostmorke
39 Immortal - Battles in the North
40 In The Woods… - Heart of the Ages
41 Inculter - Fatal Visions
42 Ivar Bjørnson & Einar Selvik - Skuggsjá - A Piece for Mind & Mirror
43 Kaevum - Natur
44 Kampfar - Mellom Skogkledde Aaser
45 Keep of Kalesin - Kolossus
46 Koldbrann - Ingen Skånsel
47 Krypt - Prelludes to death
48 Kvelertak - Kvelertak
49 Kvist - For kunsten maa vi evig vike
50 Limbonic Art - Moon of the Scorpio
51 Ljä - Til Avsky For Livet
52 Mayhem - De Mysteiis Dom Satanas
53 Misotheist - For the Glory of Your Redeemer
54 Mock - Vinterlandet
55 Mortiis - Ånden som gjorde opprør
56 Myrskog - Superior Massacre
57 Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno
58 Necromantheon - Visions of Trismegistos
59 Nidingr - The High Heat Licks Against Heaven
60 Nordjevel - Necrogenesis
61 Obliteration - Cenotaph obscure
62 Obtained Enslavement - Centuries of Sorrow
63 Odium - Sad Realm of the Stars
64 Old Man's Child - Born of the flickering
65 Ragnarok - Nattferd
66 Sahg - I
67 Sarke - Allsighr
68 Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
69 Sepulcher - Panoptic horror
70 Shakma - House of Possession
71 Sjukdom - Stridshymner og dødssalmer
72 Slegest - Introvert
73 Solefald - The Linear Scafold
75 Storm - Nordaviwd
76 Strid - Strid
77 Taake - Noregs vaapen
78 The 3rd and the Mortal - Tears Laid in Earth
79 The Kovenant - Nexus Polaris
80 The Sins of Thy Beloved - Lake of Sorrow
81 Theatre of Tragedy - Aegis
82 Thorns - Demo
83 Trelldom - Til et Annet
84 Tristania - Widow's weeds
85 Troll - Drep de Kristne
86 Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell
87 Ulver - Bergtatt
88 Umoral - Der Sola Aldri Skinner
89 Urgehal - Goatcraft Torment
90 Ved Buens Ende - Written in Waters
91 Vemod - Venter på stormene
92 Vredehammer - Viperous
93 Vreid - Lifehunger
94 Wardrunna - Yggdrasil
95 Whoredom Rife - Den vrede makt
96 Windir - Arntor
97 Wongraven - Fjelltronen
98 Zyklon - World of Worms
99 Zyklon-B - Blood must be shed


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