
Showing posts from 2025


February 2025 was a solid month. I listened to many new albums and the selection below only proves there were good ones. A 30-album selection is not happening very often most recently, especially in times of constant flood of new records (of mediocrity).  I tried to make a split in the selection, and there is a kind of top 20 and then another 10 very special mentions. Anyway, it could all be taken as one whole pile of stuff to be checked for those who haven't yet. All these are good and enjoyable albums that differ from the pedestrian release schedule that happens every Friday or every day of the week.  And I keep buying a lot of records, new albums or klassiks, my collection grows and grows. There is one clear album of the month for me. HANGMAN'S CHAIR's Saddiction took all the bells and whistles in February 2025. Soooo good, so melancholic, and so drowning into sadness. Then follows the rest, and the list here is somehow in a particular order this time. As I mentioned abo...


I still listen to the 2024 overlooked records and here it is - another month went by, so a new monthly list is on the way. It was a very weak January 2025, and there are very few albums that I can recommend. They won't have the power to stay long. I don't have much to say about the quality, yet the quantity was again dominant. The below 17 albums are the most solid thing I can come up with when we discuss new releases in January 2025. I liked them, I played them and they are my solid choices.  Album of the month? The Night Flight Orchestra took it over Faithxtractor at the very last moment simply because it will stay longer with me in the foreseeable future. I have loved TNFO for ages now and the nostalgia they bring. On the other hand, Faithxtractor delivered blistering death metal again! All the rest that follow are worth mentioning in the order of the appearance below. And of course, depending on the mood, they all serve different purposes in different circumstances. I recom...