Here comes the flood again. Drowning. Erasing everything on its way. Ladies and gentlemen, the release schedule is at its finest. September 2024 was crazy, literally in every aspect - personal and musical. This time I decided to make this list a little bit different. Because, why not? September was all about black metal. So many black metal releases were out in the past month. Some of them quickly won my heart. That's why I split this list into two parts - The Black Metal of 2024 and The Other of September 2024. It is not that one is superior to the other, but it is more excessive. I know it is exhausting and it looks quite unprofessional not to manage everything in one whole list, but then I was going to land with a very very long list this time. By the way, did I mention, that I listened to many of klassiks again, being tired of the flood? I am going to start with my biggest disappointment - the new Unto Others album. It is nowhere as good as their previous works. Soulless...