I guess I was too picky in February, cause originally my list contained fewer choices than usual. Around 10. I thought in general February was weaker than January, or some other months. But I changed my mind in the end. I must point out immediately that the originally chosen ten albums were/are powerful enough and actually have the staying power to be among the top albums for 2021 at all. Furthermore, originally I included five honorable mentions. But everything changed! I spent a bit more time with certain albums, and there was a huge releasing schedule for February, so I could pick more... So in the end, I present here the usual top 20 (in no particular order, except my No.1) with the albums that deserve time and attention. Some will definitely stay a longer time with me, some probably won't make it. But for today I think these 20 albums are good and require listening. My album of the month is definitely Suffering Hour's The Cyclic Reckoning, followed closely by the rest bel...