July's gone. Another pile of music. Another list is done. The world saw some very good releases in July, some of them requiring time, attention and dedication. I turned 42. REBEL WIZARD - Magical Mystical Indifference Release Date: 10 July Grabbed me instantly with its unique mix of melodies and black metal. And mesmerizing lead work. My album of the month. SKELETON - SKELETON Release Date: 10 July A grower. The more I listened, the more I drowned in this hellish mix of obscure black and death metal. HAVUKRUUNU - Uinuos Syömen Sota Release Date: 17 July Another glorious release by the Finns. Creating a unique atmosphere, the album transcends into the vast landscapes with forests, lakes and moors deep in the Finnish wild.. GAEREA - Limbo Release Date: 24 July A superb album by the Portuguese guys. Great production and captivating black metal tracks with a taste of death and unknown. No limbo rock here at all. IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT - Alphaville Release Date: 31 July If you...