What a month! Basically, September started not that strong but then it went out glorious. All albums in the below list deserve high positions in any AOTY list. So let's cut the long story short and present you my favorite 15 choices, released in September. In no particular order. BLUT AUS NORD - Hallucinogen Release Date: 20 September/18 October The new direction the band took seems to be the very right one. I'm very excited about this album! What a black metal!!! Glorious! CULT OF LUNA - A Dawn To Fear Release Date: 20 September Is this the best CoL album up to date? Despite all the great music they released so far, it is their best imo. URN - Iron Will of Power Release Date: 20 September Haunted is among the best tracks of 2019. "When something is good and works well - do not change it". That's why this is another great album by URN. BORKNAGAR - True North Release Date: 27 September The best Borknagar to date? I was totally blown a...