August was excellent month (finally), full of very good releases. I listened to a lot of albums and discovered new bands during the month. My list below was easily compiled. Still, I have the feeling that I missed some good releases during the month. I'm catching up as much as possible, but the pile is just growing and growing. So here they are, my top 15 albums released in August. As always, some just didn't make it, others simply didn't deserve. SACRED REICH - Awakening Released date: 23 August 2019 I didn't expect SACRED REICH to return so strong! With nod to the good old times - the 80s, Awakening is an excellent thrash album. Especially in times when the pure traditional thrash is almost dead and can't offer so many new interpretations. WITCH VOMIT - Buried Deep in a Bottomless Grave Release Date: 30 August 2019 Awesome record. I'll state it - so much better than Tomb Mold's new album... VOLBEAT - Rewind, Replay, Rebound Release Da...