New year, new beginning... a lot of great music. Yes, January was huge in new releases. It was difficult to select the personal finest with such an abundance. As usual I wasn't able to pick just 10 releases and as usual I made a fatal 13 list, in no particular order. Probably I have missed something, but these 13 really deserve serious attention and listening. EVERGREY - The Atlantic Release date: 25 January 2019 Superb new album by the band. It just transcends you into another world. PHLEBOTOMIZED - Deformation of Humanity Release date: 7 January 2019 This is already one of the best DM albums of 2019. Released after 22 years of hiatus, with this album the band delivers mesmerizing quality. VEILNBURNER - A Sire To The Ghouls Of Lunacy Release date: 28 December 2018 What the fuk the label thought when releasing this masterpiece on 28 December 2018?! I included it in my January selection naturally. Death, experimental, psychotic, frantic...Mind blowing combin...