Oh, well. Half an year deep into the heavy music, making reviews, interviews, trying to listen to most of the important releases. It becomes really hard to follow everything, and to have the opportunity to go back and listen to some older or classic stuff. Even the albums from two-three months ago. Honestly in June I didn't have much time to listen to everything I got, and for sure there are hidden gems. I hope I'll be able to discover them on later stage. There were really a lot of new albums which saw the wide world in June as usual. My premium selection here includes released only in June albums - the ones I liked the most and/or listened the most from them. The Night Flight Orchestra - Sometimes the World Ain't Enough Release date: 29 June NFO - my guilty pleasure to bring me into the 80's. Another fantastic album, making me feel cozy, nostalgic and old... Shylmagoghnar - Transience Release date: 29 June Epic new album by the duo, after four years o...