MY TOP 10 FOR MAY 2018

Five months in 2018 now and the pile of new good music extends. May has been very intensive in new releases as well, but it is time to separate the grain from the square. Few big bands put longly awaited albums out - likes of Amorphis, At The Gates, Dimmu Borgir for example. The latter don't deserve my attention since 20 years already, and this didn't change...At The Gates again (like in 2014) almost couldn't convince me that "To Drink From The Night Itself" is a top 10 album. Who made it in my list from released in May records? Fatal 13 and a Japanese edition list, in no particular order. Huge hesitation about the choices to be honest. Hard to compile list. Some other good releases were skipped. Let's see. UADA - The Cult Of A Dying Sun Release Date: 25 May Stunning continuation of the masterpice "Devoid of light". Much more mature, well polished. It is not just a melodic black metal. It is much more. This is another album in the genre which p...