In short: half of the year has gone by and the new releases keep on going in hundreds per month. June was an average month. What do you say? Not much to be praised or to be discussed. In general, some very good albums in the pile of crap that deserved my attention and are listed below respectively. I must admit, there is plenty of EPs and splits this time! In total below, 30+ again for your pleasure, in no particular order! As usual, let's wait for the withstand of time of all these. Let's go! HELLERUIN - Devils, Death and Dark Arts Release Date: 16 June Tidal TSJUDER - Helvegr Release Date: 23 June Bandcamp BEYOND THE DAWN - Stormbringers Release Date: 30 June Bandcamp HATE MANIFESTO - ΑΠΟΣΤΑΤΗΣ (Apostate) Release Date: 9 June Bandcamp GODFLESH - Purge Release Date: 9 June Bandcamp GROTESQUERIES - Vile Crematory Release Date: 30 June Bandcamp KRIGSGRAV - Fires in the Fall Release Date: 23 June Bandcamp VILE RITUAL - Caverns of Occultic Hatred Release Date: 16 June Ba...