June 2020 was NOT a month to remember. (Again?) Most of the time I couldn't find an album to impact me and to move me. Besides, I was listening to older stuff too. Indeed, very few records released in the present month grabbed solidly my attention. VAMPIRE was the natural winner. It is an album I'm going to listen to in the future too and it is a definite AOTY contender. As per my other choices - they are all very solid albums too, belonging mostly to the vast Underground. What will stay with time I can't tell at the present stage. With my June list, I present 15 albums + 5 honorable mentions (don't miss them by any means!). I think this is the best we can get out of this month. So here it is - my top list for June. With one definite winner and the rest - in no particular order. VAMPIRE - Rex Release Date: 19 June My album of the month. A big step forward since With Primeval Force. It is like Deceased... and D666 meets Tribulation and Mercyful Fate. But so much bette...