MY TOP 20 FOR MAY 2020

So many releases happened in May. So many. I tried hard to listen to most of them. Of course I didn't succeed with them all. As usual I present here 20 albums (in no particular order) which really caught my attention and I will keep on listening in the next months. Few good releases couldn't make it into this list as usual too - Axel Rudi Pell, Mekong Delta excellent return(!), Alkymist, Caudron Black Ram, Green Carnation, Die Kreatur (?!), just to name a few. Tyrant's return, Secrets of the Moon, and An Autumn For Crippled Children's new albums also deserve a high-praise mention here. Uprising's II album is highly recommended for the cold bleak German black metal fans. The below list is solid enough and can satisfy most of the metalheads' tastes, as well as potentially some more pretentious ones. Probably most of the albums represented in this list will be part of my AOTY list. XIBALBA - Años En Infierno Release Date: 29 May Devastating death metal a...