Tons of albums were released this April. For me, most of them were...just albums out there. Fillers. I tried to cut the slag and prepare my list with those albums which I'll keep on listening in the next months. The quality albums. The albums which may be important for me for reasons only my heart knows. Of course, there will be another 15 more, that I'll come back to in the future. However, the below list represents what it has to represent. Honorable mentions? Either zero or too many. ULCERATE - Stare Into Death and Be Still Release Date: 24 April How can I describe something that cannot be described? It must be witnessed, experienced...then again and again in order to believe it. KATATONIA - City Burials Release Date: 24 April Exquisite new album. Their best since Last Fair Deal Gone Down? Most probably. Prog? No, because prog doesn't have a heart and soul. WOLFHEART - Wolves of Karelia Release Date: 10 April It's the continuation of Constellati...